The flow of votes continues to assign the public award, arrived almost to 1400 preferences on the contest website. But obviously it is still not possible to define a ranking, as voting operations will end next May 5th.
Meanwhile, the technical-artistic jury is defining the details to choose the winners and special mentions among all 30 finalists.
The virtual gallery of the 30 finalist works remains available to admire all the creations, on the official website of the contest, www.iosonoarte.com
Meanwhile, the activities of the Main Sponsor Lucamartini Fashion Company are prepared, since the summer links will be built which will represent the winning works, but not only; In fact, the Fashion Company has decided to choose the collage of the 30 finalist works, to create a limited edition of 250 shirts, booking them on the contest site right now.
The LM Company initiative with the Phoenix brand, has pleasantly surprised the Organization of Ethika that manages the contest, since the proceeds of the sale of limited edition shirts, will be used for the next edition of the contest and to concretely help a school in purchase and supply of materials for design and art, among those that will be taken into consideration by the Association.
The shirts signed by the Swiss Stylist Luca Martini, will be made available for booking from this week on the official website of Phoenix at www.lukemartini.com, and will be realized with totally sustainable modern technical tissues made with Econyl® yarns, All Italian patent from the company Aquafil of Trento.
The other official T-Shirts in superlimited edition with the winning works will be available after the proclamation of 22 May.
Occasion to combine art, charity and sustainability, truly unique in its kind for a school contest born for a few years, which already stands out at national and even international level.